Why you should move overseas

You might be wondering if you should take a job in a new country or move overseas to study. You might crave a change of scenery, but feel too scared to take that leap. If this is you, then this post is for you.

Back in 2006 I returned home from a year living and working in Australia and traveling in South East Asia. It was the standard backpacking trip, but it left me positive that I needed to get my life together and move away from home more permanently. I went back to school and got a degree and then set out to find a way to move overseas. Years later I’m living in Hong Kong and have never looked back.

If you’re scared to take the plunge and move overseas, read my reasons as to why it’s a good idea.

1) Even if it goes wrong you’ll be stronger for it

When you move overseas you need to deal with new banking systems, overcome language and cultural barriers, deal with loneliness, face hard times (before you’ve even made new friends). Every challenge you survive will make you that little bit stronger. One day you’ll walk down the street and realise that this alien land no longer feels alien, but it now feels like home. Somewhere along the line your resilience will grow from facing challenges and you will feel stronger for it.

2) You’ll broaden your horizons

You don’t know what you don’t know. If you always stay in your comfort zone you’ll never experience anything but safety and the familiar. As the saying goes “just outside your comfort zone is where the magic happens”. You’ll never get to experience the magic the world has to offer if you don’t take a risk.

3) You’ll make lifelong friends

Whether you get close with locals from your adopted country or meet others that have moved overseas, you are bound to form tight bonds with new people. This takes time of course. From experience, it is easier to form friendships with non locals, because local residents already have old childhood friends and family nearby, whereas other expats will be in the same boat as you and will also be looking for new friends. They will become your surrogate family.

3) You’ll appreciate home more

Moving away from home can be a life changing experience. One of the unexpected benefits is often a newfound appreciation for home. Living in a new and unfamiliar place can bring back into focus the things that make your home country unique and special. Small things that were once taken for granted, can after a while feel comforting. Moving abroad can also lead to a deeper appreciation for the people and places back home.

4) You could meet the love of your life

Being in a new and unfamiliar environment can create a sense of openness and adventure, and can make it easier to connect with others who share similar interests. In addition, the experience of living abroad can be can bring people closer as people navigate the challenges of moving to a new place together. While moving overseas does come with its own set of challenges, it can also offer the possibility of finding love and creating new, meaningful relationships. Being open to new opportunities can allow you to potentially find the love of your life

5) Find new hobbies

Living in a different country can provide the opportunity to discover new hobbies and interests. The surrounding environment  may be vastly different than what you are used to. For example, being close to a mountain or ocean could inspire someone to take up hiking, rock climbing, surfing, or other water sports. Trying new things and stepping out of your comfort zone can be exciting and can lead to personal growth and discovery.

6) New and exciting travel options

Moving overseas can open up new travel options, as you may be geographically closer to countries that were previously far away. For example, someone living in Europe may have easier access to countries in Asia or Africa than they would from the United States. This can make international travel more accessible and affordable, allowing you to visit countries that may have been out of reach before. In addition, living overseas can provide a good base for exciting weekend trips. Shorter trips can be taken to places that used to require a long haul flight.

While moving overseas can be rewarding, it also comes with its own set of challenges. Living in a new and unfamiliar country can be stressful and lonely. Language barriers, and homesickness can be difficult to navigate.

However, despite this, the positives and rewards of moving overseas often outweigh the negatives. Moving overseas can lead to personal growth, as you are forced to adapt and navigate new challenges. While it may not be a bed of roses, moving overseas can be a fantastic life choice for those who are willing to take the leap.

If you liked this you might also want to read why you should go traveling before having children.

Why you should move overseas

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