Are you interested to know where you can see the best sunsets in Hong Kong? Hong Kong is best know for its dramatic city skyline, but you can also find some beautiful places to watch the sun go down. Here is a list of my favorite places to watch the big orange ball disappear in Hong Kong.
Tin Hau Temple – Cheung Chau Island
A surprisingly beautiful but underrated place to watch the sunset is from the little temple on Cheung Chau, just passed the French restaurant called Pirates Bay

Braemar Hill
A little bit of a hike to get here and space is limited, but the views over Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour at sunset are unbeatable. Tip: Find your way to the to the Chinese International School and head upwards, ask a local if you get lost.

The Ritz Carlton
Chi Lin Nunnery
Tamar Park

All of these sunset spots are my personal favourites. Have I missed one of your favourites off?

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